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1 day 1 igniter: Day 1- PSx-1 pellet igniter

In a new series of post we will treat each day 1 model of ceramic igniter. The advantage of each design and how to use it.

Today we will present you the PSx-1 alumina ceramic igniter model. Today this model is mainly use for the ignition of wood pellet, wood chips or other biomass combustible in pellet stove or pellet boiler appliances.

PSx-1 ceramic igniter top
PSx-1 ceramic igniter round ceramic flange details
PSx-1 ceramic igniter rear parts details
PSx-1 ceramic igniter in position in burner pot

History and development

PSx-1 alumina ceramic igniter first production back from 1979. It is our ceramic heater model with the longest history. At this time it was used for the vaporization of kerosene combustible in kerosene stove.

Since 1979 year, the PSx-1 heating element have been constantly improved and refined years after years to be more and more robust and efficient. And indeed this model is the most reliable. Its perfect glass sealing and strong design round flange, make it easy to install or fit in a tube.

Today this model is use in variety of application going from Kerosene stove, pellet stove, pellet boiler to hyrdogen fuel cell aplliances and even some large telescope system in Chile mountains.

In European pellet heating market, the first use date back from 2012 year and since it never stop to expand to more and more wood pellet boiler and pellet stoves appliances.


  • Longest history = best reliability
  • The shape of round flange make it is easier to install and secure in position. It save time and cost on production line
  • Glass sealing method = high airtightness (perfect for hermetic systems)
  • Powerful 300W heating element: can ignite all kind of biomass and even humid pellet = no ignition failure
  • Can be immersed in water to the flange

Application of use

  • Hermetic pellet stove
  • Wood pellet boiler
  • Wood pellet BBQ / smoker
  • Wood chips boiler
  • Biomass combi boiler (dual pellet/wood)
  • Kerosene stove
  • Liquid vaporization
  • Plankian black body source

Picture, technical data